My group and I have gone our separate ways, allowing me to once again try my camping excursion. My sublease is up and my bags are packed. The weather claims a rain free week, but in a jungle, I won't count on it to actually be dry. My destination, Waipio Valley. It is a sacred land from ancient times. The first king of Hawaii marched his army through this valley during the season of war. I have been told that if I hear the drums of the "night marchers" and see them in the darkness, I must look down and not make eye contact. If I see them, I doubt that is what I will do. I figure there is a better chance I will find wild boar or turkey than the ghosts of an army long past. However, to say I am not crossing my fingers would be a lie.
I have a little under a month before I return home, there are options of places to live, rent free at that. However, the photo shoot that was going to supply food money, did not get fully organized. In Hawaii, a week means a month and a month means this year. There is no hurry, nor any urgency for anything. They even have bumper stickers to reenforce the idea. The silver lining to being broke in this state is that you would have to be ignorant or clinically retarded to starve. There are fruit trees every where. Literally 50 paces outside my door is an avocado tree, a dozen banana trees and a seedless orange tree. Yes, seedless. I ate 7 of them in one sitting when I discovered they were seedless. Washed it down with a dozen half size bananas. So you really do have to be a fool to starve here.
Anyway, I do not have a return date for coming out of the jungle. I have to meet someone about a gig on another island (not Hawaiian) by the 15th. So I figure let's see how long I can last in a jungle with ghosts, boars and mosquitos, before I run out of food (or toilet paper). I will write on paper and photograph this part of the journey, possibly make it a coffee table book. Either way, I'll post up a new entry when I get out. It's time to take back my Garden of Eden in an island paradise. If I am lucky, I may find an Eve... or a group of them.